Welcome to my page, my name's Apollo and I'm the webmaster.
I coded this site in order to have a nexus for all my interests and work, it's sorttt of a personal site, I don't have social media so I expect to make myself known somehow dedicating my time to this place. It's been a blast so far.
More about me let's see I'm an artist from Argentina, living in Spain @_@ I make art since forever, from paper to screen to street walls. I always needed different ways to express myself, specially during that hellholle that was school, I have the world record of dropping out three times, I also have a fake diploma but the story is so insane it deserves it's own blog.
I picked my name after a spaceship, my biggest dream was to become a space engineer but for reasons that deserve another blog it kinda went to dust, still keeping my name tho (no ace attorney or greek gods for you!). I started making music around 2023 but nothing that I'm confident enough releasing (mastering what's that). Until I learn how to make something listenable the music section of this site is closed.
Likes, random facts uhh... I love the Fallout saga, Pokemon mistery dungeon changed my brain chemistry and Arknights damaged it. I had a hardcore mlp fase and till this day I still like the show. I love cold weather and sushi rice, absolutely anything with sushi rice is perfect. I made my school keep Valentines cards under a paywall after spamming cards with food inside them for 2 years. I'm not into astrology but I love when people read me tarot cards like wow girl you already know all that about me xD so obligatory mention I'm a pisces an entj and that taking quizes is fun.
So about my gear!
- Exactly the guitar on the left
- Focusrite Scarlet 2i2
- Bayerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 ohm
- My wife FlStudio
I'm currently working on moving all my files to this computer (from another) If you notice anything strange contact me and I'll fix it.